Ready for real training?

Whether we’re your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack.

I’ve been a dog advocate for more than 25 years working with organizations such as Stray Rescue out of St. Louis and adopting a variety of pups abandoned and left to wonder if they were worth loving. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 26 owning restaurants, a clothing line, and consulting for corporations. I bring my life experience to training dogs and horses on my small farm in Black Forest Colorado. I sought to work with Koru K9 because of their philosophy around helping the core issues that keep the dog and the owner from a fulfilling relationship together. If I’m your last resort or you want to take the steps to teach your dog valuable life skills, I will be dedicated to giving you my very best and helping you discover your dog’s true potential!